Below you will find details of forthcoming training courses and events offered by the King's Health Partners Clinical Trials Office. We offer a range of courses for all KCL, KCH IoPPN / SLAM and Guy's and St. Thomas' Trust staff and students involved in the conduct of Clinical Trials and other Clinical Research. For further information, please contact King's Health Partners CTO Clinical Trials Training Team.
Good Clinical Practice is an internationally recognised ethical and scientific quality standard which must be observed for designing, conducting, recording and reporting clinical trials that involve the participation of human subjects.
All staff and students involved in Clinical Trials / Research are required to be qualified by education, training, and experience to perform their respective task(s). This requires all staff and students to attend GCP training.
The King's Health Partners Clinical Trials Office provides a variety of training sessions to meet the requirements of our staff and students:
If you have not previously attended a GCP session, or you do not qualify for a GCP refresher, and you are either currently or likely to be working on Clinical Trials of Investigation Medicinal Products (CTIMPS / drug trials) - you require the GCP & the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations Course. Please click below for further details:
If you are not expecting to work on any trials involving Investigational Medicinal Products (i.e. you will be working only on surgical or procedural studies) - you require the GCP for Non-CTIMPs Course. Please click below for further details:
If you are a member of Pharmacy Staff and will have contact with clinical trial products or patients - you require the GCP for Pharmacy Staff Course. Please click below for further details:
If you are Clinical Laboratory staff or student analysing or processing clinical trial samples - you require the GCP for Laboratory Staff Course. Please click below for further details:
If you have previously attended GCP training but need to refresh/update your knowledge (as is required for all CTIMP researchers every two years) - you require the GCP Refresher Course. Please click below for further details:
If you have a specific role or roles delegated to you within one or more research projects - then you will be required to attend one of the above GCP courses (or an equivalent with another organisation or online). We also provide other courses related to research delivery, details below:
If you have been identified as a non commercial QA Archiving Lead or are going to be directly involved with the archiving process and procedures for your department or trial, please click below for further details of the archiving course:
If you are not part of a research team but will have contact with Clinical Trial participants as part of your normal role (e.g. on a ward) - you may require the GCP Light Course. Please click below for further details:
We will keep records of your course attendance. These records include copies of your certificates which may be shared with study sponsor (and delegates), monitors, auditors and/or inspectors.
We may use the information in the database to contact you (e.g. to remind you about the requirement to attend GCP refreshers -OR- if there are significant changes to clinical trials legislation or guidance).
If you have questions or complaints about how your Personal Data is used, contact -or- your organisation’s Data Protection Officer: / GSTFT: / KCH: / SLaM: