Good Clinical Practice & the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations - for Pharmacy Staff

Members of pharmacy staff working in any of the King's Health Partners organisations (KCL, KCH, GSTT, IoPPN & SLaM), in all roles, are likely to encounter Investigation Medicinal Products and/or clinical trial participants as part of their standard duties. The GCP for Pharmacy Staff Course will equip you with the knowledge and understanding required to appropriately manage and document those products and patients.

This course is intended for those whose only or primary engagement with research will be in a pharmacy role - in place of standard GCP training. If you have already attended the standard GCP course then this may be of use or interest to you but it is NOT mandatory to attend this course in addition.

If you think that this is the appropriate course for you, please select the booking form below.

Pharmacy Booking Form

If you are unsure or want further guidance on appropriate training, please feel free to contact us.

Course Outline

This course will provide an informal but intensive overview of the fundamentals of Good Clinical Practice. The training is based on the principles of GCP and The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations SI. 2004/1031 and subsequent amendments, which have transposed the EU Clinical Trials and Good Clinical Practice Directives into UK law.

By the end of this course you will:

  • Know what GCP is and how it applies to you
  • Understand the history of GCP and current regulatory requirements
  • Be aware of the principles and conditions of GCP
  • Understand the importance of documentation and good record keeping
  • Understand what an MHRA inspector will look for when visiting a site


Though the General Pharmaceutical Council do not accredit training of this nature, previous attendees have used their attendance at our GCP course as an element of their GPhC CPD requirement.


This course is available for free to all members of KCL, IoPPN, KCH, Guy’s, St Thomas’ and SLaM staff and students.



  Dates & Venues:

  • Wednesday 5th March
    Via Teams
    14:00 - 16:30

  • Thursday 27th March
    Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital
    10:00 - 12:30

  • Wednesday 16th April
    Weston Education Centre, Denmark Hill
    14:00 - 16:30

  • Monday 28th April
    Via Teams
    10:00 - 12:30

  • Tuesday 13th May
    Tower Wing, Guy's Hospital
    14:00 - 16:30

  • Thursday 29th May
    Via Teams
    10:00 - 12:30